Nestled in the picturesque region of Rogaland, on the idyllic island of Finnøy, lies Nærland Farm Shop, a haven for those seeking truly authentic and locally-produced goods. This charming establishment prides itself on its commitment to supporting farmers from the surrounding area and showcasing their exceptional craftsmanship. Stepping through its inviting doors, one is immediately enveloped by the aroma of freshly baked breads and pastries that have been lovingly prepared using only the finest ingredients sourced directly from nearby farms. The shelves are adorned with an array of products that tell captivating tales of dedication and passion – each item bearing a unique story behind it. From delectable jams made by skilled artisans to carrots and tomatoes grown in the fields of Finnøy – every morsel encapsulates the essence of Nærland’s philosophy: respect for nature and support for local producers. Here at Nærland Farm Shop, you not only nourish your body; you become part of a community united by shared values rooted deeply in tradition and sustainability.
Farmers shop Nærland Finnøy
Nærlandsvågen 2, Finnøy, Norway
$$ average
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Good to know
No Smoking
No pets allowed
Free Parking
No cancellation necessary
Cleaning & Safety
- Every surface cleaned and disinfected
- Paid stay-at-home policy for staff with symptoms
Nærlandsvågen 2, Finnøy, Norway
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